Jarecki Valves got its start in the commercial ball valve business back in the early 1980s designing pulp and paper valves. Targeting areas such as stem leakage, body gasket leakage, performance, and endurance, Jarecki developed a line of valves which have proven to meet every one of these goals. And our quality control program requires that each of our pulp and paper valves has a seat leakage test, a hydrostatic test, and a torque test performed, before it leaves the factory. This assures that when the customer receives the valve, they get what they paid for every single time. Common Applications Include: Black Liquor and Green Liquor
The SV Series of our pulp and paper valves is an excellent choice for Green Liquor and Black Liquor Applications. SV Series Ball Valves are floating ball valves with a two-piece ball and stem. With the Phantom Port ball modification, the valve is simply the best liquor valve available. This series can be used for applications such as Liquor Fill, Sample Valves, Blow Back, Blow Line Diversion, Liquor Circulation, Digester Steam and others. Since the stem is always in the vertical position, leakage between the stem and the stem packing is minimized. Jarecki Valves also provides its live loaded packing system to all valves as a standard option. This further ensures leak free packing and less maintenance an downtime as a result.
HSV Series Ball Valves are heavy-duty valves designed to withstand the toughest applications. To withstand pressure surges and water hammer, this design utilizes over-sized body bolting and extra wall thickness. The seat design utilizes a very thick seat with multiple seals to prevent any warping of the seats due to the force of the system. Seat warping is a large cause of valve lockup and leaking. Jarecki Valves also provides its live loaded packing system to all valves as a standard option. When the Phantom Port is installed, there is no longe- lasting valve than the HSV series.
HSVP Series Pocket Ball Valve has proven to be one of the most successful pulp and paper valves we produce. A hard Chrome Carbide outer coating resists the abrasion of the sand and other objects. The seats sit in a pocket that is sealed off by a multiple O-Ring system. No grit can collect behind the seats and lock the valve up—usually a major problem with these applications. A TFE Cavity Filler prevents sand from getting trapped in the body cavity. A cleaning nozzle is located right inside the ball bore. This proximity is the most effective location to blow out the sand from the pocket. A body cleaning nozzle is also provided to flush out the rest of the valve. A Jarecki valve has a seat leakage test, a hydrostatic test, and a torque test performed on every valve before it leaves the factory. This assures that when the customer receives the valve, they get what they paid for every single time.
This difficult application required our engineering team to develop an entirely different valve than what was originally specified by Kamyr. The result was a valve that lasted over 4 times longer than the competition! The LV-7 Series Ball Valve combines our corrosion resistant and extremely wear resistant X-15 material with a modulation design to prevent wire-draw. X-15 is not a plating, so it will not crack or chip off. The ball is also trunnion mounted, reducing the torque and minimizing the hysteresis. The result is an extremely durable valve which is completely repairable even after a long service life.
Jarecki Valves also repairs other manufacturers’ valves, such as Neles-Jamesbury and Velan. We have ball grinders that can handle valve sizes up to 24”. We also have hard facing capabilities for the seats and can produce our own parts here in our shop. These valves will be completely reconditioned and tested to original specifications. We will have the seat leakage test, hydrostatic test, and torque test performed on every valve to ensure that it works properly. Rebuilt ball valves will be provided with a one-year warranty.